Sunday, February 10, 2019

All the W's, (Who, When, Where, What, Why, How)

Hello everyone. I'm somewhat free this Sunday evening (I've been busy packing at home this weekend, which I'll leave at that). I decided that I wanted to write on this blog to make sure I didn't forget it existed. I've started many, MANY projects, book projects, a YouTube channel, etc., which I haven't finished or gave up on. I don't want to give up on this blog. I hope that I can use this to network, show my skills, etc.

So, I figured what better way to start a blog (besides the posts I've already written) than to write about myself. (I just love myself so much). So, as the title states, I'll give you all some info on who I am, just not where I live, no offense internet.


My name is Patrick Thomas Webb. What else do you need to know? All right, I'll go into more detail. I was born in Bristol but raised in the Goshen area my whole life. (I know I said no address, that's broad enough. You could Facebook stalk me if you wanted to find this out. But don't). My parents are divorced, which has created some tension in my life. I have wanted to be a writer ever since I was very young. I grew up with Thomas and Friends and other PBS shows. #PBSKid4Life am I right?




I'm at college at the moment. I'm not saying where. I already discussed this.


What do I do? Well, I write. What do I write you ask? Words. All right, I'll be more specific. I mostly writing fiction, in particular science fiction and superheroes. I also have some ideas for some Thomas-inspired series, which I won't go into too much detail here, no offense, writers have to product their stories, its like money, you don't show everyone where you hide it.


There are three reasons why I am a writer. I remember when I was young seeing a PBS ad announcing a local writing competition. I always enjoyed stories as a kid, so I decided I'd write a Thomas story (I had no idea what fan fiction was, remember I was probably 4 or 5 at the time). However, I never wrote this story because I didn't know how to spell "One." I only remembered how to spell "won" and I knew "Won day" wasn't right. I tried asking Mom, but she was too busy.

So the second reason why I am a writer is because of a YouTube video. A Thomas and Friends YouTube video. Yeah yeah I know, I was a Thomas and Friends obsessee as a kid. Anyways, I found a fan made video called "The Scrap Train." I will link the video below, as I saved it in one of my notes documents.

It was at hearing the name of Johnny that my destiny was changed. I thought "Hey, I can do that." And I started writing. Unfortunately, I deleted the original draft of that story, but I remember how it went, which I won't say here, again, to protect my characters. Many of the characters I used in that original draft I still use today, to eventually bring out into the world.

The third reason....well...I'm not entirely sure what exactly it was, but I fell in love with superheroes at a young age. I watched Batman the Animated Series with Dad, Word Girl at home on PBS, basically anything superheroes related I could get my hands on. I still have my first comic books. I created my first superhero team in 5th/6th grade, who I sort of left behind and haven't worked on in a while, mostly because it needs some work. One of my villains who I likely won't use was Glue Man. That's right, Glue Man! His power? Creating glue. I think you can see why I won't use him anytime soon.


I came to college to try and better my life and because I wanted to write as my living. Writing is my passion, and I want to pursue that as my career.

Well, that's all you need to know about me. I'll try and write somewhat regularly, though as stated before, college has to take priority. Speaking of which, I've got to get back to that. Time to be a busy, successful adult. Says the guy going to go watch Veggietales with other College students.

 See you on the Tramway!

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