Saturday, April 27, 2019

Avengers: Engdame Reaction (NO SPOILERS), Announcement & Business Stuff

Hello everyone.

I know, shocking right? First I'm gone for two weeks, then two blogs shortly after each other. Well, don't get used to it. 😜

In all seriousness, after writing the Will Eisner's Legacy blog, I had some other stuff I wanted to discuss, but the Will Eisner blog didn't seem like the place to do that.

Avengers: Endgame

So, first things first. I saw Avengers: Endgame last night with my older sister and two friends (shout out to CC the Martian on Twitter! Thanks for offering to pay for my ticket) Funny story, my sister accidentally bought two tickets, which left me to buy THIS.

Cost me $11.99, but it was worth it. I maybe should've my $20.62 paycheck (I work as an ID Scanner so it doesn't pay a lot), but it was worth it. I should blame CC, since they bought one, but, it's metal, and looks badass. And, as CC said "You only live once," and I rarely buy nerdy stuff, so I think I'll be all right.

So, Avengers: Endgame, the end of the Infinity Saga. And let me tell you, for a hardcore fan whose been following since Iron Man, this' the most fulfilling ending you can get. I won't say anything, because #DontSpoilTheEndgame. I will say the movie emotionally hit me in places (not to the point of crying, I think I mentioned before I struggle to cry during films since The Boy in the Stripes Pajamas). So when I say that it got me three times, you know that this hit hard.

You should definitely go see Endgame in theaters if possible, if not, well, I'll see you in a year when it comes out on DVD. 😂


All right, with Endgame out of the way, onto my announcement. So I announced on my twitter that I'm starting on what may become my Senior Writing Major Project: The Iluckstirous Adventures of Lady Luck. Vol 1 (I haven't decided on the Volume title yet, I'm thinking The Monorail Conspiracy).

[One Computer Crash Interruption Later. I really need to get a new battery]

What can I say? Ever since I read Lady Luck's solo comic run and wrote a short story about her, I've fallen in love with the character. I decided that I wanted to write more stories about Lady Luck. I do have some copyright questions I need to look into, to make sure I don't run into any trouble publishing it. I don't expect to, but better safe than sorry.

So, let me provide a bit more info on The Iluckstrious Adventures of Lady Luck. the series is set in an alternate 1930's, leading right up to World War II. And let's just say that World War II happens a little bit earlier for the US, leading to Lady Luck's rising. I don't want to say too much, but I will say it includes Monorails, a Samurai/Ninja (Yes I know these are different, it'll make sense in story), and LOTS of jokes and action.

Edit: One thing I forgot to add, the tone will be like a Golden Age comic (without the racism), think Batman: The Brave & The Bold, which I'm currently writing, and I was probably subconsciously pulling from all along.

Also, GOOD NEWS. The first short story I wrote, "Zoot Suit Warehouse Rumble," has been accepted for the award winning Goshen College Red Cents yearly magazine, which has poems, photos, and short stories. I think mine might be the first short story in a while. (Shout out again to CC the Martian, who was on the Red Cents Board. Without them, the story might have not gotten in. Also, shout out to Cristina, my classmate and friend, without her editing, the story wouldn't have been accepted. Thanks Cristina, and thanks CC)

Other Business
Now, onto some other business. I'm currently trying to submit some articles that're train related, and I hope to get published that way, as I mentioned in "Patrick Stumbles through Journalism." I spoke with Laura, a classmate whose a journalism major, and realized I can submit to more than one magazine. So I'm doing that, and hopefully I'll get published somewhere.

Regarding the blog here, I'll try to write a much as possible. However, school and later, my summer job, have to take priority. I have some ideas for some interesting blogs, which might turn into articles? I'd like to discuss Steamtown, which among Train Enthusiasts is a love or hate organization, because many of their locomotives and other parts of their collection are exposed to the elements. I'll probably try submitting that first, so that I can get paid. It's not about the money, obviously, but artists have to make money to make art and do what we love.

I'm planning to do a follow up post to the Do's and Dont's of using Public Domain characters, I think there's more I need to say. I'll give you an early sample. For example, don't assume a character is public domain even if some comics in which they appear are. This' true for Fawcett/DC's Captain Marvel, and The Spirit. Both characters have comics that're public domain, and you're 100% legally able to read for free. HOWEVER, Captain Marvel/Shazam is trademarked by DC, and is likely copyrighted as well. As for the Spirit, he's still copyrighted and trademarked by the Will Eisner estate. Which's 100% legal, and fair after all. Eisner kept the copyright up until his death, so he won't appear in the public domain until 2105, most likely. (RIP Will Eisner).

So that's about it, hope you all enjoyed this blog, and I'll see you in the next one. Hope you all enjoy the more laid back, casual blog post, it's sometimes just nice to sit back and write a casual blog.

Thanks for reading everyone. Follow me on Twitter, @ConductorPat. There you can vote for what I write on next, see what I'm working on, maybe ask some questions, propose a blog topic, or send me memes. Also, subscribe to the blog here so you can get email notifications. Feel free to follow, or don't, it's up to you. Remember, keep writing, and I'll see you on the Tramway!

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