Thursday, May 30, 2019

Brightburn Reaction (No Spoilers), Iluckstrious Lady Luck Update

Hi Star Tugs,

I hope you're all doing well this Thursday. I'm currently rewatching Infinity War on Netflix, I got off of work a few hours ago and I'm feeling pretty tired. 

So in case you missed my last blog post (I think I mentioned it in there) I started work on Tuesday, for my College's Custodial Department, starting at 5 am. It's pretty tiring, but it pays good and I'm getting used to it. Having the weekend to rest will definitely help. Plus, while I work I can plan out story ideas! So that's a bonus for sacrificing time to write, granted if I was at home I'd probably be wasting it so work helps me to prioritize writing, albeit I haven't done anything besides this since I got off work. 

So, with that said, Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 updates might slow down, but I'll get to that in a second. 


I saw Brightburn on Memorial Day with a group of friends (and my sister but she's not important 😜). I'm glad I saw Brightburn on the big screen. Let me tell you all, Brightburn is a scary film, and is spectacular. One of the best R-rated Superhero/Horror films I've seen in a long time. It's pretty much the best Elseworlds DC Superman film we're going to get for a long time. 

As I said in the title, there won't be spoilers. I will recommend the film, and suggest that you give it chance. 

Iluckstrious Lady Luck Update

So as I mentioned earlier, because of work my time to work on The Iluckstrious Adventures of Lady Luck Vol. 1 "The Monorail Conspiracy" is not as much as before work started. I'll probably do most of my writing on the weekend when I have time, and after work. I'm probably going to work on it after work paragraph by paragraph. 

I'm not going to give up on the story, so you can rest assured I'm not giving up. I have an idea for where I want to take the story and what the conclusion is going to be for Vol. 1 (I sort of have it planned up to Vol. 3 mentally, and possibly Vol. 4.), but that's not the priority right now, finishing Vol 1 is. After I finish it I'm going to take a break from Lady Luck, perhaps work on a new article to pitch, then move into the editing stage, and start fleshing out the characters more.

I realized yesterday that when I write I focus so much on the action of the superhero stories that I don't have them do stuff when not being superheroes. I don't really KNOW the characters, if that makes sense. For example, what does Brenda Banks do when she's not fighting crime? The most I have her do is shopping and go dancing (granted it's part of her character growth, but I won't say more to not spoil the story), but what are her career goals, her passions? 

This' a problem I realize affects a lot of my stories and characters. So after I finish Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 I'm going to start creating character sheets for the characters in "The Monorail Conspiracy," and flesh them out. This might time time, but will be worth it in the long run. 

All right, that's about it from me. I think I'm going to give Disney's John Carter a watch on Netflix and start working on Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 some more.

Thanks for reading. If you want to keep up to date on my writer's journey, follow me here on Blogger and also on Twitter, @ConductorPat, where you can interact with me, see what I'm doing, see other cool writers to follow, etc. 

Next time on the Blog I will be releasing a Prototype Blog Post for a blog series I have called Pat Pitches. I'll explain it in the next one (gotta get people to come back again, right? ðŸ˜œ Keep writing, and I'll see you on the Tramway!

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