Hi Star Tugs,
I hope you're all doing well this Thursday. I'm currently rewatching Infinity War on Netflix, I got off of work a few hours ago and I'm feeling pretty tired.
So in case you missed my last blog post (I think I mentioned it in there) I started work on Tuesday, for my College's Custodial Department, starting at 5 am. It's pretty tiring, but it pays good and I'm getting used to it. Having the weekend to rest will definitely help. Plus, while I work I can plan out story ideas! So that's a bonus for sacrificing time to write, granted if I was at home I'd probably be wasting it so work helps me to prioritize writing, albeit I haven't done anything besides this since I got off work.
So, with that said, Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 updates might slow down, but I'll get to that in a second.
I saw Brightburn on Memorial Day with a group of friends (and my sister but she's not important 😜). I'm glad I saw Brightburn on the big screen. Let me tell you all, Brightburn is a scary film, and is spectacular. One of the best R-rated Superhero/Horror films I've seen in a long time. It's pretty much the best Elseworlds DC Superman film we're going to get for a long time.
As I said in the title, there won't be spoilers. I will recommend the film, and suggest that you give it chance.
Iluckstrious Lady Luck Update
So as I mentioned earlier, because of work my time to work on The Iluckstrious Adventures of Lady Luck Vol. 1 "The Monorail Conspiracy" is not as much as before work started. I'll probably do most of my writing on the weekend when I have time, and after work. I'm probably going to work on it after work paragraph by paragraph.
I'm not going to give up on the story, so you can rest assured I'm not giving up. I have an idea for where I want to take the story and what the conclusion is going to be for Vol. 1 (I sort of have it planned up to Vol. 3 mentally, and possibly Vol. 4.), but that's not the priority right now, finishing Vol 1 is. After I finish it I'm going to take a break from Lady Luck, perhaps work on a new article to pitch, then move into the editing stage, and start fleshing out the characters more.
I realized yesterday that when I write I focus so much on the action of the superhero stories that I don't have them do stuff when not being superheroes. I don't really KNOW the characters, if that makes sense. For example, what does Brenda Banks do when she's not fighting crime? The most I have her do is shopping and go dancing (granted it's part of her character growth, but I won't say more to not spoil the story), but what are her career goals, her passions?
This' a problem I realize affects a lot of my stories and characters. So after I finish Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 I'm going to start creating character sheets for the characters in "The Monorail Conspiracy," and flesh them out. This might time time, but will be worth it in the long run.
All right, that's about it from me. I think I'm going to give Disney's John Carter a watch on Netflix and start working on Iluckstrious Lady Luck Vol. 1 some more.
Thanks for reading. If you want to keep up to date on my writer's journey, follow me here on Blogger and also on Twitter, @ConductorPat, where you can interact with me, see what I'm doing, see other cool writers to follow, etc.
Next time on the Blog I will be releasing a Prototype Blog Post for a blog series I have called Pat Pitches. I'll explain it in the next one (gotta get people to come back again, right? 😜 Keep writing, and I'll see you on the Tramway!
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Visiting Writer Abbie Gascho Landis's Reading & Dealing with Rejections
Hello Star Tugs and new readers,
welcome back. Happy Memorial Day. I hope you're all having a good day.
So this blog post, fun fact, was going to be released about a month ago, unfortunately I ran out of time and couldn't finish it. I did want to talk about my writing workshop, so here we are.
Abbie Gascho Landis & Writing Outside
I attended the workshop "Writing Outside" at my college for 1 credit. I really enjoyed this workshop, it was a lot of fun writing about nature. I don't really consider myself a nature person, but I really enjoyed it.
Abbie Gascho Landis was the PERFECT teacher for this class. She's a veterinarian, writer, mother and mussel nerd. On top of this, she's really cool person and wrote a book on Mussels. Apparently there's a convention for Mussels specialists, and I'm happy that it exists. I think we often get caught up in things of interest to us that we forget that everyone is different.
As a train enthusiast I sometimes feel ashamed of that, like it's too weird or odd. And THEN, there's a Mussels Convention!! As Mr. Sunday Movies and Nick Mason of the Weekly Planet Podcast say, everyone's a nerd for something. And that's totally okay.
Mrs. Landis did a reading of a few of her pieces towards the last days of the class. Hearing her discuss raising chickens for meat was very eye opening. I don't like the idea of chickens growing so fat that they can't really move. But, at least (in Mrs. Landis' case) they lived a happy life.
If you're interested in Mrs. Landis, you can find her website here: www.abbiegascholandis.com
Dealing with Rejections
Yesterday I received a rejection email for "Keeping up with the New Builds." I'm not going to say which magazine it was (that would be unprofessional and make me look like a salty boi!!) I'm not mad, by the way. Does it hurt? Yeah, it's frustrated seeing your work be rejected.
However, it's not something to get mad about. The Editor explained his magazine was already working on two articles that were similar to mine in house, and that they don't accept mass submissions (where you submit an article to more than one place). Which is fair, he explained they had a problem where they published an article that was already published. I'm sure that was a nasty situation.
I wanted to talk to you all about dealing with rejections. Rejections are, as I'm sure more experienced writers will tell you, a part of the writing game.
So, why do rejections happen? For lots of reasons. An editor might not feel a piece fits their general publication (that happened to me with "Keeping up with the New Builds" come to think of it), or maybe they don't feel a piece is ready (this has happened to me when I tried submitting a funnies article to my school magazine).
Rejection is just something we must face. I've heard that you have to get a piece (such as a novel) rejected 20+ times before it will be published. I reached out to the #WritingCommunity on Twitter to ask how people deal with rejections. I'll leave the link to the thread here if you want to read it: https://twitter.com/ConductorPat/status/1132757647126683650 One quote I really like was from Gabi Bird "Never give up! Every great writer has faced rejection and has come so far. :)" I like this a lot, and it's true. You can't give up.
So to my fellow young and old writers alike, if you get a rejection, don't let it affect you. It doesn't mean you're not a good writer or that the piece is trash. (It might be, but don't assume that, and I don't mean that in a bad way. All pieces can use more editing, but just because a piece is 'trash' doesn't mean it's not a treasure). Keep writing, and keep submitting. And don't give up. Writers like Stephen King got rejected, and still do. My friend CC told me that Stephen King used to keep rejection letters on a meat hook, and he filled the whole thing! So remember, even the greats get rejected.
A thing of advice I suggest which another #WritingCommunity member said was to keep a collection of rejections, so that you can remind yourself that it's normal. And remember, when you get that acceptance letter or email, because of the rejections that led you to there, it will be a whole lot sweeter.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you want to keep up with me, subscribe to my blog! Want to ask questions? Follow me on Twitter, @ConductorPat. Also, for new writers, use the # #WritingCommunity on Twitter to meet new people, and interact with fellow writers. Thanks again for reading. Keep writing and I'll see you on the Tramway!
(Now if you'll excuse me I have scholarship essays to write and I'm going to see Brightburn in a few hours. So excited!)
welcome back. Happy Memorial Day. I hope you're all having a good day.
So this blog post, fun fact, was going to be released about a month ago, unfortunately I ran out of time and couldn't finish it. I did want to talk about my writing workshop, so here we are.
Abbie Gascho Landis & Writing Outside
I attended the workshop "Writing Outside" at my college for 1 credit. I really enjoyed this workshop, it was a lot of fun writing about nature. I don't really consider myself a nature person, but I really enjoyed it.
Abbie Gascho Landis was the PERFECT teacher for this class. She's a veterinarian, writer, mother and mussel nerd. On top of this, she's really cool person and wrote a book on Mussels. Apparently there's a convention for Mussels specialists, and I'm happy that it exists. I think we often get caught up in things of interest to us that we forget that everyone is different.
As a train enthusiast I sometimes feel ashamed of that, like it's too weird or odd. And THEN, there's a Mussels Convention!! As Mr. Sunday Movies and Nick Mason of the Weekly Planet Podcast say, everyone's a nerd for something. And that's totally okay.
Mrs. Landis did a reading of a few of her pieces towards the last days of the class. Hearing her discuss raising chickens for meat was very eye opening. I don't like the idea of chickens growing so fat that they can't really move. But, at least (in Mrs. Landis' case) they lived a happy life.
If you're interested in Mrs. Landis, you can find her website here: www.abbiegascholandis.com
Dealing with Rejections
Yesterday I received a rejection email for "Keeping up with the New Builds." I'm not going to say which magazine it was (that would be unprofessional and make me look like a salty boi!!) I'm not mad, by the way. Does it hurt? Yeah, it's frustrated seeing your work be rejected.
However, it's not something to get mad about. The Editor explained his magazine was already working on two articles that were similar to mine in house, and that they don't accept mass submissions (where you submit an article to more than one place). Which is fair, he explained they had a problem where they published an article that was already published. I'm sure that was a nasty situation.
I wanted to talk to you all about dealing with rejections. Rejections are, as I'm sure more experienced writers will tell you, a part of the writing game.
So, why do rejections happen? For lots of reasons. An editor might not feel a piece fits their general publication (that happened to me with "Keeping up with the New Builds" come to think of it), or maybe they don't feel a piece is ready (this has happened to me when I tried submitting a funnies article to my school magazine).
Rejection is just something we must face. I've heard that you have to get a piece (such as a novel) rejected 20+ times before it will be published. I reached out to the #WritingCommunity on Twitter to ask how people deal with rejections. I'll leave the link to the thread here if you want to read it: https://twitter.com/ConductorPat/status/1132757647126683650 One quote I really like was from Gabi Bird "Never give up! Every great writer has faced rejection and has come so far. :)" I like this a lot, and it's true. You can't give up.
So to my fellow young and old writers alike, if you get a rejection, don't let it affect you. It doesn't mean you're not a good writer or that the piece is trash. (It might be, but don't assume that, and I don't mean that in a bad way. All pieces can use more editing, but just because a piece is 'trash' doesn't mean it's not a treasure). Keep writing, and keep submitting. And don't give up. Writers like Stephen King got rejected, and still do. My friend CC told me that Stephen King used to keep rejection letters on a meat hook, and he filled the whole thing! So remember, even the greats get rejected.
A thing of advice I suggest which another #WritingCommunity member said was to keep a collection of rejections, so that you can remind yourself that it's normal. And remember, when you get that acceptance letter or email, because of the rejections that led you to there, it will be a whole lot sweeter.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you want to keep up with me, subscribe to my blog! Want to ask questions? Follow me on Twitter, @ConductorPat. Also, for new writers, use the # #WritingCommunity on Twitter to meet new people, and interact with fellow writers. Thanks again for reading. Keep writing and I'll see you on the Tramway!
(Now if you'll excuse me I have scholarship essays to write and I'm going to see Brightburn in a few hours. So excited!)
Friday, May 24, 2019
Bye Bye 311, Hello 311, and Writing Updates
Hello Star Tugs!
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you're all having a good day. I'm doing pretty well myself. Before we go further, I want to give a #ShoutOut to Emma Lombard on Twitter who offered to retweet this blog post once I pin this on Twitter. Thanks Ms. Lombard!! (Readers can find her on twitter here: https://twitter.com/LombardEmma)
The last day of class was Wednesday, so I moved out of my old room. Adieu 311, and hello 311. You read that right. I randomly got assigned to a room with the same number as my old room in the dorms. I have to say my new room is pretty nice, it's about the same size as my last one, though I have a roommate again. It will be nice not being alone all the time. Sometimes having company, even if it means less privacy, is better than being alone.
I'm staying on campus this summer for a job in my Phys Plant's Custodial department, which will mean I won't have all the time in the world to write. I do have to earn my keep after all, not to mention also look after myself (I might venture out to Walmart to use some gift cards to buy food via the bus, I'm not sure yet, since I'm not used to public transport).
So, with that out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about some of my writing.
After writing this I plan to start submitting my articles "The Future of the ITM" (which I probably need to rename) and "Keeping up with the New Builds." I think I've spoken about these before, but in case I haven't:
The Future of the ITM discusses the Indiana Transportation Museum and their recent trials and tribulations in the past 5 or so years, since 2016.
Keeping Up with the New Builds discusses new build locomotives in the Rail Enthusiast world. These projects are rebuilding steam and diesel locomotives that were scrapped, without an example preserved for the future, so they are being built to fill gaps in history and preservation. Most of the projects are in the UK, as far as I know, I haven't red a lot about new builds in non-Western countries, and there is one in the US as well. I won't say more, until the article is (hopefully) published.
I did submit it to a magazine (which I was very grateful), unfortunately the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad happened around the same time, and my stories I think got pushed back. Fair enough, you have to publish the stories that are more relevant. No matter, at least I got in, that's what counts. Also, advice for any other inexperienced writers trying to publish articles like myself, it might be best to call them versus emailing them, as emails can get buried in an editor's inbox.
Iluckstrious Lady Luck
After classes ended and I got everything moved in I started writing "The Monorail Conspiracy" again. It felt good to be writing again. Here's a photo of what I've written.

I decided to go back to a journal for this story because I wanted to be able to write when I didn't have access to my computer. I find computer writing the fastest, but writing in a journal is nice. I have more control than I do on an iPad, plus I can use lots of colors with different pens, in a way that I don't think would work on a computer.
Well, that's about it for me. I'm going to get started on submitting those articles to magazines, and hopefully get some food. Thanks for reading everyone. Remember to follow me here on Blogger for email subscriptions or on Twitter to see what I'm up to, if you're interested. If not, no worries, thanks for checking out this post.
You can find me on Twitter @ConductorPat, so I'll leave the link here: https://twitter.com/ConductorPat Keep writing, and I'll see you on the Tramway!
Happy Friday everyone! I hope you're all having a good day. I'm doing pretty well myself. Before we go further, I want to give a #ShoutOut to Emma Lombard on Twitter who offered to retweet this blog post once I pin this on Twitter. Thanks Ms. Lombard!! (Readers can find her on twitter here: https://twitter.com/LombardEmma)
The last day of class was Wednesday, so I moved out of my old room. Adieu 311, and hello 311. You read that right. I randomly got assigned to a room with the same number as my old room in the dorms. I have to say my new room is pretty nice, it's about the same size as my last one, though I have a roommate again. It will be nice not being alone all the time. Sometimes having company, even if it means less privacy, is better than being alone.
I'm staying on campus this summer for a job in my Phys Plant's Custodial department, which will mean I won't have all the time in the world to write. I do have to earn my keep after all, not to mention also look after myself (I might venture out to Walmart to use some gift cards to buy food via the bus, I'm not sure yet, since I'm not used to public transport).
So, with that out of the way, I'd like to talk a bit about some of my writing.
After writing this I plan to start submitting my articles "The Future of the ITM" (which I probably need to rename) and "Keeping up with the New Builds." I think I've spoken about these before, but in case I haven't:
The Future of the ITM discusses the Indiana Transportation Museum and their recent trials and tribulations in the past 5 or so years, since 2016.
Keeping Up with the New Builds discusses new build locomotives in the Rail Enthusiast world. These projects are rebuilding steam and diesel locomotives that were scrapped, without an example preserved for the future, so they are being built to fill gaps in history and preservation. Most of the projects are in the UK, as far as I know, I haven't red a lot about new builds in non-Western countries, and there is one in the US as well. I won't say more, until the article is (hopefully) published.
I did submit it to a magazine (which I was very grateful), unfortunately the 150th Anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad happened around the same time, and my stories I think got pushed back. Fair enough, you have to publish the stories that are more relevant. No matter, at least I got in, that's what counts. Also, advice for any other inexperienced writers trying to publish articles like myself, it might be best to call them versus emailing them, as emails can get buried in an editor's inbox.
Iluckstrious Lady Luck
After classes ended and I got everything moved in I started writing "The Monorail Conspiracy" again. It felt good to be writing again. Here's a photo of what I've written.

I decided to go back to a journal for this story because I wanted to be able to write when I didn't have access to my computer. I find computer writing the fastest, but writing in a journal is nice. I have more control than I do on an iPad, plus I can use lots of colors with different pens, in a way that I don't think would work on a computer.
Well, that's about it for me. I'm going to get started on submitting those articles to magazines, and hopefully get some food. Thanks for reading everyone. Remember to follow me here on Blogger for email subscriptions or on Twitter to see what I'm up to, if you're interested. If not, no worries, thanks for checking out this post.
You can find me on Twitter @ConductorPat, so I'll leave the link here: https://twitter.com/ConductorPat Keep writing, and I'll see you on the Tramway!
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Quick Update While Watching Chappie
Hello everyone,
I hope you're all doing well. I know I've been quiet for a while, and I apologize for that. I did want to write a blog about Abbie Gascho Landis, who was our guest teacher for the Writing Workshop "Writing Outside," but May Term was a lot more hectic and stressful than I expected. I will link her website here: www.abbiegascholandis.com/ Definitely give her book on Mussels a read.
I'm currently in the home stretch of May Term, as I said before, has been a very intense time for me, so I haven't had time to do any free writing, including on here. I'm giving myself the evening off to relax, and I'm currently watching Chappie, I just finished The Wandering Earth, which was really good. Chappie's pretty good so far. It seems like a more adult version of Short Circuit, if you get that reference.
What's Going On?
So, what's going on? Well, as I said before, my May Term class has been pretty hard. We have three days left, which will (for me) include one more test and a video commentary. I haven't finished the commentary yet (I'm close, I plan to do that tomorrow), and I should probably start a Quizlet as well, so that I can practice the terms.
Lady Luck Update
So onto The Iluckstrious Adventures of Lady Luck Volume 1. I haven't had a lot of time to work on this since I have to focus on my class. There's a few more things going on with that, but that's for a later blog.
Good News
I have a summer job! I'm going to be working for my campus' Phys Plant. This does mean I will have to wake up at 4:30am, work from 5 to 1 Monday to Thursday. This will be a first for me, I've never had a summer job before or been away from home for the summer. I will still make time to work on the project.
Well, that's it from me for now. I might spend a little time writing Lady Luck or just watch Chappie. I'm not sure yet.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you want, you can follow me on Twitter, @ConductorPat, maybe suggest a blog topic, see what I'm working on, or vote in the occasional poll for the next blog post. You can also follow me here so you can get email blogs. If this isn't for you, that's all right, thanks for checking out this post.
Remember, keep writing and I'll see you on the Tramway!
I hope you're all doing well. I know I've been quiet for a while, and I apologize for that. I did want to write a blog about Abbie Gascho Landis, who was our guest teacher for the Writing Workshop "Writing Outside," but May Term was a lot more hectic and stressful than I expected. I will link her website here: www.abbiegascholandis.com/ Definitely give her book on Mussels a read.
I'm currently in the home stretch of May Term, as I said before, has been a very intense time for me, so I haven't had time to do any free writing, including on here. I'm giving myself the evening off to relax, and I'm currently watching Chappie, I just finished The Wandering Earth, which was really good. Chappie's pretty good so far. It seems like a more adult version of Short Circuit, if you get that reference.
What's Going On?
So, what's going on? Well, as I said before, my May Term class has been pretty hard. We have three days left, which will (for me) include one more test and a video commentary. I haven't finished the commentary yet (I'm close, I plan to do that tomorrow), and I should probably start a Quizlet as well, so that I can practice the terms.
Lady Luck Update
So onto The Iluckstrious Adventures of Lady Luck Volume 1. I haven't had a lot of time to work on this since I have to focus on my class. There's a few more things going on with that, but that's for a later blog.
Good News
I have a summer job! I'm going to be working for my campus' Phys Plant. This does mean I will have to wake up at 4:30am, work from 5 to 1 Monday to Thursday. This will be a first for me, I've never had a summer job before or been away from home for the summer. I will still make time to work on the project.
Well, that's it from me for now. I might spend a little time writing Lady Luck or just watch Chappie. I'm not sure yet.
Thanks for reading everyone. If you want, you can follow me on Twitter, @ConductorPat, maybe suggest a blog topic, see what I'm working on, or vote in the occasional poll for the next blog post. You can also follow me here so you can get email blogs. If this isn't for you, that's all right, thanks for checking out this post.
Remember, keep writing and I'll see you on the Tramway!
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
May Term Update & Patrick Badly Explains the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer
Hello everyone,
I hope you're all well. I'm very tired at the moment, and losing my mind!! 😝 Just kidding, Patrick is fine. Patrick has not lost it. Patrick is not planning a cult to the Maple Leaf Tree (applications will be sent out soon).
May Term Update
All right, before you all jump ship, I am fine, just exhausted from May Term. Now you might be thinking "Patrick, what exactly is May Term?" Well dear reader, whether you're in high school, have been out of college for a few years, or never went to college (which's totally fine by the way, not everyone needs to), May Term is a 3 week intense study semester where students take a class in an express form, so they can clear space in their schedule. Some schools hold this between Fall and Spring Semester in January called J-Term, so some might be more familiar with that.
For May Term, classes start at 8 am, so I have to wake up at 7:15 am to get up, and go to bed at 10 pm. I'm sure some readers may roll their eyes at this being a "woe" (and fair enough 😛), though when you're used to 8:30 am, this' a jump. Oh well, it's not as bad as this summer, I'll have to wake up at 4:30 to get around for work!
But we're not talking about my summer job, we're talking about May Term (and Sonic, but we'll get to that).
I'm taking two classes during May Term, which's not normally done, but I can get away with because one is a 1 credit class. The one credit class is the English Writing Outside Workshop, led by Abbie Gascho, a Veterinarian, Writer and Mussel enthusiast/nerd. Because everyone is a nerd about everyone. Seriously, you should hear her talk about Mussels. She described to our class how she saw a pregnant female Mussel luring in fish with a lure, which they need to do so the babies can latch onto a fish for a ride, while she was diving when pregnant. (Quick Fun Fact, there's a Mussel Convention. Yes, there's enough people for that, which's important, since unfortunately mussels are endangered because of humans messing with the environment. Thanks humans).
Her face lit up as she gave us vivid details of seeing this rare sight. Mrs. Bascho wrote a book called "Immersion: The Science and Mystery of Freshwater Mussels," which I recommend you check out. I'm planning to in the future, hopefully my school library has a copy.
The class' really interesting, we went to Merry Lea yesterday (our off campus farm site) for a writing workshop, including a walk in the rain, and sitting in a barn loft to write. I might write about this later, or workshop an email on here about it. @ me later on twitter if I forget if this sounds interesting to you.
There's also interesting readings, such as this reading about octopuses. I'll link it here, and I suggest you give it a read: https://orionmagazine.org/article/deep-intellect
Here's another interesting one (unless you're a germaphobe, then this might terrify you):
I actually just finished "Deep Intellect" for a class reading, and I'm taking a break (I probably shouldn't 😛) to write on here. I've really enjoyed the class, and the writing prompts we've done. I think I better understand how to write about nature, and to make parts of a specific environment, such as a squirrel, or a tree, a character. I also appreciate more creative non-fiction.
The workshop lasts one week, which's a relief, because it's very work intensive. By 6 pm tonight we're supposed to have two pieces of writing done, one which includes an interview, the other intensive research on a topic. I wrote about my college's prairie program, which I'll probably upload to here, so you can give it a read. (Side note: the other one including the interview won't be uploaded here, due to concerns from one of my interviewees about danger coming to the animals spoke about in the interview, so I'm sure you'll all understand).
My main class is Asian Thought, which discusses the faiths/philosophies of Asian cultures. According to our Professor Joann, Asian languages don't have a word for religion, it's actually a Western concept. I had no idea!
Asian Thought didn't start until today (I lost two free days to the Workshop, but it was worth it. Can you complain when you get to hang out with fellow writers and get free food, such as Mexican take out? Exactly) and seems very work intensive. So I might be on another hiatus from here, or maybe I'll just write during the weekend. There's not a lot to say about Asian Thought yet, since I've only had one class.
I can say I accidentally woke up an hour early. I thought class started at 8, turns out Joann pushed it to 9, but just for today. Oh well, it's another day to get used to waking up at 7:15 am.
Patrick Badly Explains the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer
All right, now to the juicy stuff!
So, welcome to the first blog (I'll explain in a sec) version of "Patrick Badly Explains," everyone's favorite (I hope) new recurring segment where Patrick badly explains a topic.
Now, I say blog version because this started in person with friends, and I thought "Hey? Why not try writing it down?" So here we are. I was considering making this a YouTube series, but since I already have the blog, it seemed best not to stretch myself too thin. So let's get into it!!
(!!Disclaimer!!: The following segment, "Patrick Badly Explains..." is meant for comedy/satire, and should not be taken as serious. This doesn't represent the author, and should not be quoted as their personal thoughts. Also, some things might be inconsistent, such as italicizing titles, this' a part of the joke, and I can't be bothered to really edit this segment. I actually did check for typos by the way, a joke's not funny if poorly planned. Do not take this as fact. No offense is intended, and the author apologizes in advance if this comes off the wrong way).
www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvZaBf9QQI You can watch the trailer here if you want, I don't know why you would. If you hate yourself, or enjoy nightmares, here you go.
So, the Sonic the Hedgehog film trailer. This poor thing never had a chance. (What did we expect from a Sonic the Hedgehog movie produced by the producers of The Fast & Furious?) You see, some underpaid intern at Paramount (who probably hates their job) is clearly a Sonic fan. Why? Because they risked their job to leak photos of the film to the internet. The results were a unanimous reaction of "WHAT THE F&^%* DID THEY DO TO SONIC?!"
One leaked photo showed an outline of Sonic on a poster, and his all-too human hands!! Seriously, why do they look human? (I mean from memory, this' Patrick Badly Explains, do you expect me to do, look it up? Okay, fine, I checked, they still look too human, but kind of claw like, it's a poster what do you expect?)
Another leaked poster showed Sonic hanging out on the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, graffiti-ing "Sonic Wuz here" like a 13 year old, and his legs, OH GOOD LORD those legs. Words cannot do them justice. But the internet did with memes.... which the Sonic official twitter started retweeting, and released a photo saying "Can't a guy work out?" Yes Sonic, but don't just go on leg day, otherwise you look like an uneven monster!
So yeah, this trailer had a lot to live up to, or rather make up for. And then it randomly dropped on May 30. I guess after the excitement of Avengers: Endgame, Paramount thought we all needed to be brought back to reality and end the month on a bad note. Allowing the internet to do what the internet does best, react and freak out. Like on here!!
Currently the trailer's been #1 on trending for two days, but not for good reasons. The like-dislike ratio is fighting between hardcore Sonic fans who will support anything Sonic related, and everyone else (Disclaimer: Real talk here, please remember that this' just a joke, please don't get angry @ me Sonic Fandom). Likes currently sit at 203,000, and dislikes 323,000. Geez, this' a more intense race than PewdiePie vs T-Series, and as equally unimportant.
So what's in this trailer? Well, we finally see the Sonic design officially. Whoever did the design hates Sonic, so they smoked a butt load of crack, then drew a misshaped Sonic, with...EVERYTHING wrong! I know the Sonic Fandom is used to disappointment, but come on! We've got Detective Pikachu coming out the same year as this! You can't, CAN'T tell me a movie studio can't get Sonic right. Some rando on the internet literally fixed the design by making the eyes bigger, there's literally no excuse.
Now, to the rest of the trailer. It's actually pretty good, and would look like silly fun if not for this dumb design. It's got a generic plot: video game character comes into the real world, and has to get home. Sonic's done this before with the anime Sonic X, which was pretty good. I mean, maybe that's nostalgia blinding me, for a show I hardly remember and a character I somewhat like.
We also see Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, or Eggman, or whatever the hell Sega's renamed him. I swear next he'll be Dr. Eg. Mann, or Dr. Egg Robotnik next. Or maybe just Larry, I'd be down with Sonic vs. Larry: Dawn of Speed.
Anyways, Jim Carrey doesn't seem like he cares. I think he pulled a Tommy Lee Jones Batman Forever and did this for his kids. Or maybe they threw enough money at him. (I mean at least he shaved that crazy wild man beard, or maybe Paramount's just trolling Warner Bros. even more since Justice League by cgi-ing the beard off better than Henry Cavill's mustache and demon lip). You know I like the latter theory better, that's my head canon now.
Lastly, the song. WHY did they use Gangster's Paradise? It doesn't fit, or have anything to do with Sonic. Granted, Detective Pikachu used "Holding out for a Hero," but at least that worked. Wait.... that's it! All right, here's my theory!
Some Paramount Executive was like "Bro, did you see that Detective Pikachu trailer? We need an 80's song! Whatta do we have the rights to?"
"Well, we've got Gangsta's Paradise, which a Sonic Fan used, but--"
Yeah, the trailer's an...interesting mess. And if anything this movie's just going to be a meme gold mine. No, a DIAMOND mine, because like real diamonds (which would be worthless if they weren't monopolized) this movie's going to make money even if it's not that good. Probably, I don't know. Maybe there's enough hardcore Sonic fans out there so it'll make money.
This concludes Patrick Badly Explains..., tune in next time (whenever that is).
All right, back to seriousness. I hope you enjoyed that session of Patrick Badly Explains. Let me know in the comments if you want to see me do that more.
I hope you're all well. I'm very tired at the moment, and losing my mind!! 😝 Just kidding, Patrick is fine. Patrick has not lost it. Patrick is not planning a cult to the Maple Leaf Tree (applications will be sent out soon).
May Term Update
All right, before you all jump ship, I am fine, just exhausted from May Term. Now you might be thinking "Patrick, what exactly is May Term?" Well dear reader, whether you're in high school, have been out of college for a few years, or never went to college (which's totally fine by the way, not everyone needs to), May Term is a 3 week intense study semester where students take a class in an express form, so they can clear space in their schedule. Some schools hold this between Fall and Spring Semester in January called J-Term, so some might be more familiar with that.
For May Term, classes start at 8 am, so I have to wake up at 7:15 am to get up, and go to bed at 10 pm. I'm sure some readers may roll their eyes at this being a "woe" (and fair enough 😛), though when you're used to 8:30 am, this' a jump. Oh well, it's not as bad as this summer, I'll have to wake up at 4:30 to get around for work!
But we're not talking about my summer job, we're talking about May Term (and Sonic, but we'll get to that).
I'm taking two classes during May Term, which's not normally done, but I can get away with because one is a 1 credit class. The one credit class is the English Writing Outside Workshop, led by Abbie Gascho, a Veterinarian, Writer and Mussel enthusiast/nerd. Because everyone is a nerd about everyone. Seriously, you should hear her talk about Mussels. She described to our class how she saw a pregnant female Mussel luring in fish with a lure, which they need to do so the babies can latch onto a fish for a ride, while she was diving when pregnant. (Quick Fun Fact, there's a Mussel Convention. Yes, there's enough people for that, which's important, since unfortunately mussels are endangered because of humans messing with the environment. Thanks humans).
Her face lit up as she gave us vivid details of seeing this rare sight. Mrs. Bascho wrote a book called "Immersion: The Science and Mystery of Freshwater Mussels," which I recommend you check out. I'm planning to in the future, hopefully my school library has a copy.
The class' really interesting, we went to Merry Lea yesterday (our off campus farm site) for a writing workshop, including a walk in the rain, and sitting in a barn loft to write. I might write about this later, or workshop an email on here about it. @ me later on twitter if I forget if this sounds interesting to you.
There's also interesting readings, such as this reading about octopuses. I'll link it here, and I suggest you give it a read: https://orionmagazine.org/article/deep-intellect
Here's another interesting one (unless you're a germaphobe, then this might terrify you):
I actually just finished "Deep Intellect" for a class reading, and I'm taking a break (I probably shouldn't 😛) to write on here. I've really enjoyed the class, and the writing prompts we've done. I think I better understand how to write about nature, and to make parts of a specific environment, such as a squirrel, or a tree, a character. I also appreciate more creative non-fiction.
The workshop lasts one week, which's a relief, because it's very work intensive. By 6 pm tonight we're supposed to have two pieces of writing done, one which includes an interview, the other intensive research on a topic. I wrote about my college's prairie program, which I'll probably upload to here, so you can give it a read. (Side note: the other one including the interview won't be uploaded here, due to concerns from one of my interviewees about danger coming to the animals spoke about in the interview, so I'm sure you'll all understand).
My main class is Asian Thought, which discusses the faiths/philosophies of Asian cultures. According to our Professor Joann, Asian languages don't have a word for religion, it's actually a Western concept. I had no idea!
Asian Thought didn't start until today (I lost two free days to the Workshop, but it was worth it. Can you complain when you get to hang out with fellow writers and get free food, such as Mexican take out? Exactly) and seems very work intensive. So I might be on another hiatus from here, or maybe I'll just write during the weekend. There's not a lot to say about Asian Thought yet, since I've only had one class.
I can say I accidentally woke up an hour early. I thought class started at 8, turns out Joann pushed it to 9, but just for today. Oh well, it's another day to get used to waking up at 7:15 am.
Patrick Badly Explains the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Trailer
All right, now to the juicy stuff!
So, welcome to the first blog (I'll explain in a sec) version of "Patrick Badly Explains," everyone's favorite (I hope) new recurring segment where Patrick badly explains a topic.
Now, I say blog version because this started in person with friends, and I thought "Hey? Why not try writing it down?" So here we are. I was considering making this a YouTube series, but since I already have the blog, it seemed best not to stretch myself too thin. So let's get into it!!
(!!Disclaimer!!: The following segment, "Patrick Badly Explains..." is meant for comedy/satire, and should not be taken as serious. This doesn't represent the author, and should not be quoted as their personal thoughts. Also, some things might be inconsistent, such as italicizing titles, this' a part of the joke, and I can't be bothered to really edit this segment. I actually did check for typos by the way, a joke's not funny if poorly planned. Do not take this as fact. No offense is intended, and the author apologizes in advance if this comes off the wrong way).
www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvZaBf9QQI You can watch the trailer here if you want, I don't know why you would. If you hate yourself, or enjoy nightmares, here you go.
So, the Sonic the Hedgehog film trailer. This poor thing never had a chance. (What did we expect from a Sonic the Hedgehog movie produced by the producers of The Fast & Furious?) You see, some underpaid intern at Paramount (who probably hates their job) is clearly a Sonic fan. Why? Because they risked their job to leak photos of the film to the internet. The results were a unanimous reaction of "WHAT THE F&^%* DID THEY DO TO SONIC?!"
One leaked photo showed an outline of Sonic on a poster, and his all-too human hands!! Seriously, why do they look human? (I mean from memory, this' Patrick Badly Explains, do you expect me to do, look it up? Okay, fine, I checked, they still look too human, but kind of claw like, it's a poster what do you expect?)
Another leaked poster showed Sonic hanging out on the San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge, graffiti-ing "Sonic Wuz here" like a 13 year old, and his legs, OH GOOD LORD those legs. Words cannot do them justice. But the internet did with memes.... which the Sonic official twitter started retweeting, and released a photo saying "Can't a guy work out?" Yes Sonic, but don't just go on leg day, otherwise you look like an uneven monster!
So yeah, this trailer had a lot to live up to, or rather make up for. And then it randomly dropped on May 30. I guess after the excitement of Avengers: Endgame, Paramount thought we all needed to be brought back to reality and end the month on a bad note. Allowing the internet to do what the internet does best, react and freak out. Like on here!!
Currently the trailer's been #1 on trending for two days, but not for good reasons. The like-dislike ratio is fighting between hardcore Sonic fans who will support anything Sonic related, and everyone else (Disclaimer: Real talk here, please remember that this' just a joke, please don't get angry @ me Sonic Fandom). Likes currently sit at 203,000, and dislikes 323,000. Geez, this' a more intense race than PewdiePie vs T-Series, and as equally unimportant.
So what's in this trailer? Well, we finally see the Sonic design officially. Whoever did the design hates Sonic, so they smoked a butt load of crack, then drew a misshaped Sonic, with...EVERYTHING wrong! I know the Sonic Fandom is used to disappointment, but come on! We've got Detective Pikachu coming out the same year as this! You can't, CAN'T tell me a movie studio can't get Sonic right. Some rando on the internet literally fixed the design by making the eyes bigger, there's literally no excuse.
Now, to the rest of the trailer. It's actually pretty good, and would look like silly fun if not for this dumb design. It's got a generic plot: video game character comes into the real world, and has to get home. Sonic's done this before with the anime Sonic X, which was pretty good. I mean, maybe that's nostalgia blinding me, for a show I hardly remember and a character I somewhat like.
We also see Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, or Eggman, or whatever the hell Sega's renamed him. I swear next he'll be Dr. Eg. Mann, or Dr. Egg Robotnik next. Or maybe just Larry, I'd be down with Sonic vs. Larry: Dawn of Speed.
Anyways, Jim Carrey doesn't seem like he cares. I think he pulled a Tommy Lee Jones Batman Forever and did this for his kids. Or maybe they threw enough money at him. (I mean at least he shaved that crazy wild man beard, or maybe Paramount's just trolling Warner Bros. even more since Justice League by cgi-ing the beard off better than Henry Cavill's mustache and demon lip). You know I like the latter theory better, that's my head canon now.
Lastly, the song. WHY did they use Gangster's Paradise? It doesn't fit, or have anything to do with Sonic. Granted, Detective Pikachu used "Holding out for a Hero," but at least that worked. Wait.... that's it! All right, here's my theory!
Some Paramount Executive was like "Bro, did you see that Detective Pikachu trailer? We need an 80's song! Whatta do we have the rights to?"
"Well, we've got Gangsta's Paradise, which a Sonic Fan used, but--"
Yeah, the trailer's an...interesting mess. And if anything this movie's just going to be a meme gold mine. No, a DIAMOND mine, because like real diamonds (which would be worthless if they weren't monopolized) this movie's going to make money even if it's not that good. Probably, I don't know. Maybe there's enough hardcore Sonic fans out there so it'll make money.
This concludes Patrick Badly Explains..., tune in next time (whenever that is).
All right, back to seriousness. I hope you enjoyed that session of Patrick Badly Explains. Let me know in the comments if you want to see me do that more.
Thanks for reading. You can find me on Twitter @ Conductor Pat. Keep writing, and I'll
see you on the Tramway!
see you on the Tramway!
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